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How Often To Replace Your Vibrator?

Some gadgets can withstand the test of time. However, it does not hold for all gadgets, especially a vibrator, your favorite sex toy. Yes, it is indeed difficult to resist the urge to buy a vibrator after watching something like Sex and the City. But, if you are using one bought when the series was released, it is high time you replaced the vibrator.

A vibrator is no different from any kitchen utensil or a toothbrush in today’s time. It has almost become a part of our daily life. However, it must be kept in mind that there is no set time when it may die. Some may last for a few months, while others may last for years. That does not mean, in any way, that you should remain loyal to just one vibrator.

These toys can get affected over time, leading to a decline in the quality and safety of the material. It all depends on how well the electronics function and how much pleasure they can give.

Planning to replace or change your toy? Below are the few risks of holding on to an old vibrator and how to know when it is time to replace sex toys:

Plastic Might Break

A vibrator you may have purchased ten years back is probably less safe than today’s one. The probability is high that people were not so concerned about the safety of the material a decade back. And, even if it was, the ability to deliver the concern had not matured the way it has today.

The life span of any device is primarily governed by what it is made of. Those hard sex toys (not the jelly ones) made of ABS plastic, gold, stainless steel, or glass can better withstand the test of time. These are so sturdy that they can easily pass through dry spells, moving apartments, and even relationships. As these toys are non-porous, they will never break or get degraded.

Whereas the moment you shift to silicone toys, things no longer remain so straight and easy. If the toy material is completely medical-grade or platinum silicone (pure silicone and not blended), you are good to go. In fact, it may last even longer than the human using it provided minimum care is taken of the property. There will be no degradation unless it is exposed to other silicones. For example, when exposed to silicone lube, leaving a lubricated condom over it, touching it, or keeping it with other silicone toys at high temperatures.

Keep in mind that many silicone toys are blended with TPR (Thermoplastic Rubber) or PVC so that these can be sold as silicone but at a lower rate.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more research is needed on health risks in humans. However, studies have already found that such chemicals can affect reproductive organs. Moreover, the concentration of phthalates is higher in women since they are already exposed to shampoos, body washes, cosmetics, and other beauty products.

Apart from the risk of phthalates, the addition of other plastics can turn non-permeable silicone into something porous. Hence, blended silicone would break down a lot faster. Although this is not too dangerous for your health, as they break down over time, chemicals can leak that is not so good for the body. The most prominent sign of a chemical reaction is when a vibrator smells different, feels different, and changes color. If that happens, it is time for a replacement.


If the toy is not cleaned properly, there is a risk of fungal and bacterial growth. In addition, there is a risk of cross-contamination of toys arising out of vaginal and anal penetration. Finally, it can lead to a sticky, smelly discharge that could be a bladder infection.

If the toy is of high quality, non-porous 100 percent material like glass, stainless steel, gold, or medical-grade platinum, there is no need to worry much. If any bacteria or fungi are left on the surface, they will dry out when the vibrator is left on its own.


All vibrators are electronic gadgets. Like an electric razor or a mobile phone, it will wear out gradually. The batteries may not work so effectively. The motor may become weak. Buttons and the charging port may get damaged due to continuous use. If the vibe no longer holds a charge, it is of no use.

If you aspire to have a top-of-the-line toy, you will prefer an erotically and ergonomically designed one. Think of the vibrator as your phone. If you want just basic functions, a simple phone will do, else you will go for an upgrade, right? It’s the same here. Your first rabbit might still be pretty active, but if you want better sexual pleasure, you will either have to change or upgrade.

If you are looking for a good vibrator and cannot decide which one you should go for, try Love-sextoys. At this adult online store, you will come across plenty of cool models to make your sex life more adventurous. After all, it takes a lot to find a comfortable, reliable, and not frighteningly expensive one.